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6:30 pm
IEP Basics / IEP Los Básicos: Monday, 8/29 6:30-8:00pm via Zoom
IEP Basics - Monday, 8/29 6:30-8:00pm via Zoom:┬áhttps://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZIqf-6hqTIjHtHnS71-Zw0MM09cMSMcPX74. ┬áAn overview of fundamental concepts in Special Education.┬á Our focus is how the IEP process should work as well as key concepts that families need to understand (i.e., Least Restrictive Environment, FAPE, accommodations, modifications, etc.). IEP Los B├ísicos -┬áUn resumen de conceptos fundamentales en Educaci├│n Especial. Nuestro […]
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