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12:00 pm
Office Hours / Hora de oficina
Via┬á Zoom: Register Here Flexible opportunity to ask a question or obtain support pertaining to your childΓÇÖs services. EFRC Program Specialists can answer your questions relating to IFSPs, IEPs and IPPs. Small group or individual consultation available. Spanish and English language support available.┬á Oportunidad flexible para hacer una pregunta u obtener apoyo relacionado con los […]
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IEP Basics / IEP Los basicos (in-person / en persona): Canceled – will be rescheduled
Canceled and will be rescheduled Spanish below / espa├▒ol abajo Overview of fundamental concepts in Special Education. Our focus is how the IEP process should work as well as key concepts that families need to understand (i.e., Least Restrictive Environment, FAPE, accommodations, modifications, etc.). **Spanish Interpretation available. Other languages supported with pre-registration of 72 hours. […]
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